Quality not only costs the client, it also has a detrimental effect on the reputation of the company. With the company´s reputation based on the successful completion of its projects, it is imperative that Quality is effectively monitored and controlled. To this end the company has produced a number of policies and procedures that define the manner in which work is conducted. The procedures have since then been certified to ISO 9001 compliance.
With our systems certified by ISO 9001:2008 we are confident in not only providing a sound engineering solution but also one that meets or exceeds the stringent controls exercised by this certification system. Our Quality, even prior to this certification, has been one to set the standards with a rework % of almost zero since 1998. We are confident in continuing with this industry setting achievement each successive year.
View Integrated Management(IMS) PolicyAll our procedures have been designed in line with stringent safety analysis of the activities entailed in our construction. With the usage of the jack-up type of tank construction, amongst others, we endeavour to constantly ensure that the hard earned performance of Zero LTIF (Lost Time Injury Frequency) since 2000, is not in vain.
All site employees undergo a vigorous job related safety induction course at the start of each project. This is further reinforced with daily tool box talks where all activities are presented on a daily basis to ensure our commitment to NO LTIFs is effectively communicated and always maintained.
View Drugs Policy View Ethical Principles